Let Visitors Leave a Voicemail From Your Website

Send A Voice Mail MessageYour friends and site visitors can send you a voice mail without downloading any software or dialing any phone number. All they need is a microphone and a web browser with a Flash plugin.

Ever since I put the "Send me a Voice message" on the blog, I have received tons of interesting voice messages containing feedback, suggestions, complaints or just saying a simple Hello.

If you are a webmaster or a blogger, here's how you can add this voice messaging feature to your website for free.

You'll be able to record and play voice messages from your friends on MySpace, Xanga, Blogger, LiveJournal, or any other site you use to keep in touch with people you care about.

1. Create a user account on Odeo.

2. Now click the Odeo "Send Me A Message" Buttons menu.

3. There are tons of button styles to choose from. Just select one and copy-paste the HTML code in your blog template or website.

There's even a better option. You can embed the Odeo voice message features in your blog without requiring your visitors to open another browser window. Just add the following iFRAME code to your HTML.

width="370px" height="550px" scrolling="no" FRAMEBORDER=0

Your visitors will see a form like the one below. Odeo will alert you when you've got new voice messages.

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