Online Logo Generator: Text Logos made in Adobe Fonts

An Adobe font like Garamond can cost more than $100 but this guide shows how to create text logos using any of the 2,200 Adobe fonts of Adobe Type Library for free.

Here are some sample text logos designed using commercial Adobe Fonts.

Adobe Type Library is probably the greatest selection of fonts for design professionals. Whether you need fonts for Logos, Annual Reports or Business Cards, you are certain to find one inside the Adobe Library.

The popular universal Euro Currency symbol was also designed by Adobe's in-house staff. But while the Adobe Euro font is available for free, most other Adobe fonts cost lot of money. The Adobe Font Folio suite costs $5k while the price of individual Adobe fonts is more than $100.

Just like you can try any Adobe software before actually buying it, Adobe has a free online Adobe Typesetter tool for previewing fonts before making a font purchase.

Adobe Online typesetter allows you to type in your own text and then see what it will look like in most of the OpenType fonts from Adobe. Just type in your text in the text entry field and click Change.

We actually used the Adobe online typesetter to create our text logos. Adobe generates 345x60 pixel wide logos in black text on a white background in png formats (editable in any graphic software like GIMP, Photoshop or Fireworks)

Your text setting will be remembered across the web site until you change the text or quit your browser.

Adobe TypeSetter Restrictions
This feature cannot be applied to some fonts due to technical or licensing restrictions. Only the most common alphabetical, numerical and punctuation characters can be displayed.

Adobe Typesetter Requirements
Adobe's online typesetter requires that your browser accepts "cookies." Also, some characters will be displayed as a bullet due to encoding limitations in your browser and operating system.

Adobe Font Designers | Adobe Fonts Piracy | Microsoft Typography | Adobe OpenType Introduction

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