In response to Dave Winer's question

Imagine™ what™ the™ world™ would™ be™ like™ if™ everyone™ trademarked™ every™ word™ that™ was™ ever™ added™ to™ the™ language.™ It™ would™ get™ pretty™ tiresome™ really™ fast.™My guess is that when every word is trademarked, you may have to rewrite the question like the one below:
Imagine® what® the® world® would® be® like® if® everyone® trademarked® every® word® that® was® ever® added® to® the® language.® It® would® get® pretty® tiresome® really® fast.®Actually after reading Dave's post, I becamevery interested in learning some basic facts about Trademarks. Sharing some of the things I learned below:
The US Patent and Trademark Office website explains the use of trademark symbols TM, SM and ®
Any time you claim rights in a mark, you may use the "TM" (trademark) or "SM" (service mark) designation to alert the public to your claim, regardless of whether you have filed an application with the USPTO.
However, you may use the federal registration symbol ® only after the USPTO actually registers a mark, and not while an application is pending. More about Trademark on Wikipedia.
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