Why did Scoble leave Microsoft ?

Why did Microsoft's chief technical evangelist Scoble quit Microsoft ?

Scoble recently wrote that Rocketboom makes $85,000 a week as "I made in an entire year working at Microsoft". So was Scoble unhappy with his salary or simply fed up with the job ? Economists.com make an interesting point:
Blogging allows staff to build a personal brand separate from that of their firm; if they are good at it, and build up a readership, that brand may be more valuable to them elsewhere.

Mr Scoble is off to join PodTech.net, a rising star in video podcasting, which is now far more fashionable than blogging and potentially far more lucrative.
As the author points out, Scoble's departure from Microsoft may be a lesson for corporates that are encouraging employees to blog.

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