How to Block Porn Images from Displaying On Your Computer ?

There exists over a 100 million websites on the Internet so that translates into atleast a million pornographic sites just based on the "1%" statistics. The numbers could swell if we also consider the existence of Kazaa, Usenet and other networks which are generally not counted as webpages.
Now there are tons of web filtering software like NetNanny or Cyberpatrol that will block porn websites from opening on your computer but how do you prevent your children from viewing nude picture or porn photographs that are displayed in email messages or accidently show up during Google Images search, Flickr or even MySpace ?
Here comes PicBlock Image Blocker to your rescue. The free software runs as a try icon and notifies you whenever an objectionable image is encountered while surfing the web or reading an e-mail. The questionable images will be replaced by blurred pixels as you see in the screenshot above.
PicBlock blocks porn images by detecting the amount of flesh tones in images. Since the software is not based on offensive keywords list or known URLs, PicBlock may not be a substitute for your content filtering software.
PicBlock on | User Guide [via Attu]
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